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Project ORCHID

By , August 19, 2015 5:54 am


The Intervention with Women vulnerable to contracting and transmitting HIV is being carried out in some section of Eastern part of Dimapur. The Intervention is being supported by Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and directly monitored by the State Unit of Project ORCHID. Akimbo Society is the other NGO working with High Risk Women in Dimapur. Prevention of HIV transmission and halting the spread of HIV through behavioural change communications are the two chief objectives of the intervention.

Reaching out to high risk women with STI/HIV related health services, education on STI/HIV and related issues through personal/group interactions, responding to crisis, building linkages and networks with service providers and creating awareness and advocating with stakeholders are some of the major activities carried out in the intervention program. Besides these, community events such as World AIDS Day, International Day of Women, International Day against illicit drug trafficking, etc are commemorated with the active participation of the target population and other well wishers.

The team working with the High Risk Women is committed towards infusing ownership of the problem of STI/HIV into the minds of the target population. Though this cannot be measured strictly in quantity, this phenomenon is being gauged through the attitude and perception of the target population. “When they come forward with their problems seeking requisite help without our insistence, it is a positive sign that they are becoming more aware and educated about the risks they may pose to themselves and to others”, as our Field workers state, and which is now becoming a regular phenomena, is one of the indicators that the intervention is having some positive impacts. Besides, when the target population report shift from their risky to safer behavior, the team understands that their efforts are having positive impacts.

Sponsor a Grandparent Program

By , August 19, 2015 5:53 am

SAGP, with support from Help Age India (HAI) was started on 1st March, 2007. The main objectives of the initiative are, subsidizing the basic needs of aged persons who are economically deprived, Improving the quality of life and restoring their rightful place in the family and society. It also aims at sensitizing the community at large to value and regard them as an integral part of our society.


Under this programme, the organization is helping 50 grandparents from five different villages under Dimapur District viz., Bade, Urra, Dezeiphe, Aoyimkum and Senjum. They are being provided food items, cloths and other basics necessities besides Rs. 50 as pocket money and another Rs 50 for medical care. 

Some Voices of the grandparents…

“With no father and no secure service for my sons, we are in a very difficult situation.”

“Many a times, old people are forgotten and people are not concerned about us. But I am very happy for the care and support you are giving and showing us; May God bless you”

Resource and Training Centre

By , August 19, 2015 5:53 am

“A Centre for Education and Information Dissemination for Persons with Disability”

Supported by Nagaland Chief Minister’s Croups Fund (Year of Capacity Building) Under Planning & Coordination Department, Government of Nagaland, The Resource and Training centre was initiated in April 2009. The Centre, in the premises the old Nagaland State Cooperative Bank building, is located opposite Dimapur Naga Students Union Office and Fire Brigade Office, Burma Camp. The Location and structure of the rented building is disabled friendly and easily accessible as it is located in the heart of Dimapur town.

Community Based Rehabilitation

By , August 19, 2015 5:52 am

Capacity building program on issue of Disability

Community Based Rehabilitation (CBR) for Persons with Disabilities in Dimapur District is supported by CARITAS India. The intervention is being carried out among both adults and minors with disability/ies.

Need Assessment for planning Intervention in mainstreaming Person With disability/ies (PWD), Health intervention for prevention of Disabilities and secondary complications and carry out Rehabilitation and integration interventions, Promoting formal and non formal education for children with disabilities and create an inclusive environment for children and adolescents, building the capacity of PWDs through skill training and to prepare them for income generation, and Advocacy, Empowerment and self Governance, are the main activities of the Program.

After Care Center (Men’s Rehab Centre)

By , August 19, 2015 5:51 am

Prodigals’ Home’s Integrrehabilitation-centre-for-male-drug-users-at-thilixu-dimapurated Rehabilitation Centre for Addicts (IRCA), christened as After Care Cum Vocational Training Centre is supported by Directorate of State Social Welfare, Government of Nagaland and Ministry of Social Justice& Empowerment (MSJ&E), Government of India under the scheme Prevention of Alcoholism and Substance (drugs) Abuse. The Centre is located at the serene locality of Thilixii village, opp. Nagaland Zoological Park, Rangapahar, about 08 Km from the main Town of Dimapur.

The Detoxification cum Rehabilitation centre is supervised and managed by individuals who had earlier received treatment from the centre. They are committed and in the process of their recovery, showing others the way to recovery.

The treatment Plan of the centre is divided into two parts, Detoxification and rehabilitation which cover a duration of three months to six months and beyond depending on cases and willingness of the residents.

Prodigals’ Home, IRCA is exploring innovative ways of combating alcohol and substance (drug) abuse. Detoxification and Residential Rehabilitation of the addicts is the core activity of the Unit also the preventive awareness campaign among the different stalk holders has been and equally important activity during the past  20 years of it existence.

Short Stay Home for Women

By , August 19, 2015 5:51 am

With the Chief Objective of “Mainstreaming of Women & Child in Different Crisis”, the only Short Stay Home for Women (SSH) in Nagaland is supported by the State Social Welfare Board, Government of Nagaland and Central Social Welfare Board, Government of India. It is the only SSH in Nagaland and is located at Fellowship Colony, Dimapur.

The SSH is for those women and girls who are either exposed to moral danger or are victims of family discord, social ostracism and the resulting strain of relationship or emotional disturbances. 

On admission to the centre they (women & child) are identified as residents, reason being that the whole structure and movement of the centre is managed by themselves. The residents can stay at the centre for a maximum period of three years while encouraging constant contact with their family members and relatives.


Some major activities at the Home:

  • Residential Vocational Training
  • Sponsoring residents for formal education
  • Individual and Group Therapy
  • Recreational activities